
Showing posts from May 14, 2017

Twitter, "Did You Just Assume My Gender?"

Due to yesterday's new privacy update on Twitter, I was eager to examine the changes in my security and privacy settings. Not contrary to most other social media sites, I was informed that my privacy settings were becoming more lenient, now collecting non-Twitter-related browsing data up to 30 days from my last Twitter activity to store (from the previous 10-day limit). Twitter claims that this will allow for a more personalized and accurate experience by referring users to products and sites in which they are more likely to be interested. On top of this offline-browsing policy extension, Twitter's pre-existing Do Not Track option which prevented websites from tracking and ad-targeting users has been removed (despite having held a polar-opposing view in 2012 when Twitter originally implemented the Do Not Track option). Apparently an option to manually prevent specific websites and companies from receiving user data will still exist, but I have not yet been able to find this ...