Hey all! This is the start of my blog, to provide information about precollege programs I partake in, and tips to help ensure the best possible path for you from high school to college. I hope this these posts give you a better understanding of each program, as well as provide you with new opportunities that you might not have known about! This blog will be especially helpful for those of you who reside in Washington State, or plan to attend the University of Washington. I am intending to pursue STEM based majors at UW, and am currently a Junior in high school. This is my first year as a Running Start student (applicable to highschoolers in Washington State), and so far I am loving it. Tips about running start will come in a later post. Some PreCollege summer programs I am in, and/or have applied to as of March 2016 include: - Washington Aerospace Scholars (WAS) ACCEPTED/PARTICIPATED Link: Descripti...